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A Windows XP Tablet from 2004! - HP Compaq TC1100

·313 words
YouTube frokfrdk

Artwork created in the video #

To show off the capabilities of the tablet, I created some random pieces of art to demonstrate. Here they are in full-res glory:

CRT Boi Drawings These here are basic MS Paint drawings I created of CRT Boi to show the pen functionality.

Photoshop Stuff I created these images using Photoshop CS2 on the HP Tablet to show the full desktop functionality. The first image being a drawing of me sailing the seven seas to acquire some (totally legit) Adobe software. The second being a sky colour change of a random image from Unsplash.

Thumbnail #

This is the first video where I used YouTube’s A/B/C thumbnail testing to see which thumbnail will perform better. Below is the process of how I created the thumbnail itself.

thumbnail creation

To create the thumbnail I combined a photo of the tablet itself on a white background, a screenshot of the Windows XP desktop from the tablet, and a photo of the side of my wardrobe. I combined these photos together to create a tabletop like thumbnail with realistic shadows added in later. It was a bit of a struggle to come up with the thumbnail for this one but I think I got it in the end.

Video Song List #

Titles for the HOME songs are unofficial as they come from the HOME/VNN bootleg