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Poly Mountain

·216 words
Digital Artwork Vector Landscapes Complete

Poly Mountain artwork created by frokfrdk
This is a vector landscape artwork I created in Adobe Illustrator continuing in my vector mountains series.

Inspiration #

I was inspired to create this artwork after seeing this image, I really liked it at the time and thought it looked very striking. I wanted to incorporate my previous polygonal mountian work into a style like the image.

Original Version #

This is the original version of the image. This one is fully created in Illustrator with absolutely no additional effects added on top, simplistic in nature.

Earlier version

This version of the image was intented to be the final version, I however went back and tweaked the colours.

Alternate Colours

Green and Orange versions of this background exist. Yup!

New Version #

The current version of Poly Mountain is the version I edited in Wallpaper Engine, the animated version of the wallpaper can be accessed here on the Steam Workshop.

This is an inverted version of the revised image, intended as a light theme.

Reflection #

Overall, I like how this image turned out. It looks nice and minimal, however it can look a bit bland / boring at times especially with how much the polygons of the mountain merge together due to a lack of contrast.

Started: 7 June 2020

Finished: 10 June 2020