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Apple’s Mini iPhones - iPhone 12 and 13 Mini

·302 words
YouTube frokfrdk

In this video I review the iPhone 12 Mini and 13 Mini, Apple’s strange mini iPhones from 2020 and 2021.

Thumbnail #

Creating the thumbnail for this video was rather simple (but also complex because yay lighting!). I simply took a photo of my hand and photoshopped an iPhone 13 Mini into my fingers to make it look even smaller than what is really was. The hard part was getting the lighting and angle correct in the harsh Australian sunlight. Shown below are all the other attempts at taking the photo.

other thumbnail attempts

Camera Comparison #

Below I have provided the original quality photos for the camera comparison in the video. The left column was taken with the iPhone 12 Mini, the middle was taken with the iPhone 13 Mini, and the right was taken with the Google Pixel 8 Pro.

The camera test for this video was very interesting, with the iPhone 12 Mini actually taking better photos and videos than the iPhone 13 Mini. The iPhone 13 Mini photos that were comically saturated (especially the photo of me lol) with a much higher file size. I really have no idea what is up with the 13 mini’s camera, that photo of me is one of the worst photos I have ever seen produced from an iPhone.

Video Song List #

Titles for the HOME songs are unofficial as they come from the HOME/VNN bootleg

  • Bedroom-Bound Dreams - frokfrdk
  • Take It or Leave It (Demo 2) - frokfrdk
  • 5PM - Animal Crossing
  • Calm Cam - TrackTribe
  • Space Junk Road Smooth Jazz Arrangement - kuribo98
  • On The Rocks - TrackTribe (Steam Gardens - Super Mario Odyssey in the original version)
  • Lovely Village - Lovely Planet
  • Glockenspiel - HOME
  • Sea Shanty 2 - Old School Runescape
  • Squiddy G Cover - Jakub Gac
  • staircase - frokfrdk